Archived News & Announcements 2021-22
Board of Education Special Meeting/Work Session Notice: June 1, 2022
The Clark County Board of Education Special Meeting/Work Session will be on Wednesday, June 1, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. The primary meeting will be held at Central Office at 1600 West Lexington Avenue, Winchester, KY. Some board members may be attending via Google Meet online videoconference.
To view this meeting live, visit the CCPS YouTube Channel at at 5:00p.m., and click the Live Now button. A recorded version of the meeting will be available soon after the meeting concludes and can be accessed on the same webpage. The meeting is open to the public.
Board of Education Regular Board Meeting Notice: June 28
The Clark County Board of Education will hold its Regular Board Meeting on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Central Office Auditorium, 1600 West Lexington Avenue, Winchester, KY. Some board members may be attending via Google Meet online videoconference. To view this meeting live, visit the CCPS YouTube Channel at at 6:30 and click the Live Now button. A recorded version of the meeting will be available on the CCPS YouTube Channel at the next day by 4:00 p.m. The meeting is open to the public.
$3,000 One Time Annual Salary Incentive
The CCPS Board of Education approved the following terms for the one time salary incentive of $3,000…for the necessary means to maintain the operations and the continuity of service and for the retention of existing staff.
Only active full-time staff at the time of each payment will receive the $3,000 incentive, with the 1st installment of $1,500 being paid on November 30, 2021 and the 2nd installment of $1,500 being on May 15, 2022 (pro-rated if days worked are less than a full year contract).
Part-time and substitute staff are eligible for a prorated portion of the incentive to be received, if active at each of the 3 installment dates of November 30, 2021, May 15, 2022, and June 30, 2022, based on days/hours worked during those payroll periods.
Retired returned to work staff are not eligible for this incentive per the Kentucky Teachers Retirement System for the days they were paid based on their Daily Wage Threshold amount.
This incentive payment will be facilitated in a separate paycheck from regular contract paychecks and staff must be active at the time of each installment date to receive the incentive payment.
Board of Education Special Meeting Notice: June 28
The Clark County Board of Education Special Meeting will be on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. The primary meeting will be held at Central Office at 1600 West Lexington Avenue, Winchester, KY. Some board members may be attending via Google Meet online videoconference. To view this meeting live, visit the CCPS YouTube Channel at at 5:00p.m., and click the Live Now button. A recorded version of the meeting will be available soon after the meeting concludes and can be accessed on the same webpage.
The meeting is open to the public.
Board of Education Special Meeting/Work Session: June 17
The Clark County Board of Education Special Meeting/Work Session will be on Friday, June 17, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. The primary meeting will be held at Central Office at 1600 West Lexington Avenue, Winchester, KY. Some board members may be attending via Google Meet online videoconference. To view this meeting live, visit the CCPS YouTube Channel at at 5:00p.m., and click the Live Now button. A recorded version of the meeting will be available soon after the meeting concludes and can be accessed on the same webpage.
The meeting is open to the public.
Planning Surveys for Parents, Staff, and Students

Attention CCPS parents, caregivers, and staff! In the very near future, you will be receiving an email regarding a brief survey we would like you to complete. We have partnered with Huron/Studer Education to create this survey, and all feedback is anonymous.
In addition to the parent survey and staff survey, some student groups are being emailed their own survey to take.
Our district is working each day to provide a great place for students to learn, teachers to teach, employees to work, and parents to send their children for an excellent education. We are committed to listening and responding to your experiences. Your input is extremely valuable to us and will be used to celebrate our successes and to create action plans.
The survey is scheduled to open today and remain open through May 20th.
Thank you in advance for your commitment to our district’s success!
Board of Education Regular and Tentative Budget Meeting Notice
The Clark County Board of Education will hold its Regular and Tentative Budget Board Meeting on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Central Office Auditorium, 1600 West Lexington Avenue, Winchester, KY. To view this meeting live, visit the CCPS YouTube Channel at and click the Live Now button. A recorded version of the meeting will be available on the CCPS YouTube Channel at the next day by 4:00 p.m. The meeting is open to the public.
Summer Feeding Program Will Operate Once Again in 2022!

Father/Daughter Dance on May 21st

On May 21st, GRC's Beta Club members are hosting a Father/Daughter dance entitled "A Night at the Ball". The dance will raise money for Beta Club and New Beginnings Pregnancy Center, and we want to encourage everyone to attend!
This event is open to all grade levels, and all of the information is included in the attached image. Please use the QR code to RSVP.
For questions or more information, please email
CCPS Moving to Masking Recommended on Buses
The CDC has revised guidance that allows us to move to masking recommended on our buses. This will be in effect starting March 1, 2022.
Once again, we appreciate your support, patience, and most of all encouragement as we continue to maintain a safe environment for our staff and kiddos.
May 4, 2022: Letter from Superintendent Dr. Molly McComas
CCPS Families,
We had an incident at school today that we want to bring to your attention as we have received several concerned calls. A car was being worked on at school as part of a class and bullets were discovered in the floorboard of the car. Unfortunately, one student had a lapse in judgement and took them out of the car and threw them at another kid in the hallway and a bathroom. When the report of bullets being found was reported, it was immediately investigated and quickly addressed. Coupled with this, we had a report of a picture of a gun circulating through apps and social media. This was also fully investigated and found to be unsubstantiated.
As with any report of a threat or concern, our administration acts quickly and utilizes all of our resources. We have amazing School Law Enforcement Officers that work hand in hand with administration. We utilize our camera system to quickly narrow investigations. Most of all, we have amazing students that let teachers and administrators know. We even contact outside law enforcement for guidance in many cases for extra guidance.
We hope this communication puts your mind at some ease knowing that we take any report seriously and that we want to operate with transparency. Tonight over dinner, please remind your student how important it is to use good judgement and to trust teachers and leaders by sharing anything they hear about that may cause alarm or pose a threat.
Most Respectfully,
Dr. Molly McComas
CANCELED: Board of Education Special Meeting/Work Session on May 10
UPDATE: The Special Meeting for May 10, 2022, has been canceled and will be rescheduled later.
February 18, 2022: Masking Guidance Letter from Supt. Dr. Molly McComas
Please click here to read the February 18, 2022, letter from Supt. Dr. Molly McComas regarding our district's latest guidance regarding masks.
Board of Education Regular Meeting Notice: April 26
The Clark County Board of Education will hold its Regular Board Meeting on Tuesday, April 26, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Central Office Auditorium, 1600 West Lexington Avenue, Winchester, KY.
A recorded version of the meeting will be available on the CCPS YouTube Channel at the next day by 4:00 p.m. The meeting is open to the public.
Board of Education Regular Meeting Notice: March 22
The Clark County Board of Education will hold its Regular Board Meeting on Tuesday, March 22, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Central Office Auditorium, 1600 West Lexington Avenue, Winchester, KY.
A recorded version of the meeting will be available on the CCPS YouTube Channel at the next day by 4:00 p.m. The meeting is open to the public.
Board of Education Special Meeting Notice: December 13

The Clark County Board of Education Special Meeting will be on Monday, December 13, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. in the Central Office. A recorded version of the meeting will be available on the CCPS YouTube Channel at The meeting is open to the public.
CCPS Family Night Drive-Thru

Our first scheduled Family Night Drive-Thru Event is coming up on March 30! See the attached picture for details.
Clark County School District Finance Corporation Meeting
There will be a special meeting of the Clark County School District Finance Corporation on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 in concert with the regular meeting of the Clark County Board of Education at 6:00 p.m. To view this meeting live, visit the CCPS YouTube Channel at at 6:00 and click the Live Now button. A recorded version of the meeting will be available soon after the meeting concludes and can be accessed on the same webpage. The meeting is open to the public.
1. Call to Order
2. Confirm Officers
3. Consider Approval of a Property Easement Request from the City of Winchester for the
Shearer Area Cited in the Deed of Easement as Described in Proposal – Mr. Stump
4. Adjourn
1st Annual Cardinal Gala on May 14!

We invite everyone in the community to please join us on May 14 for a night celebrating our amazing GRC and ATC students! The "Cardinal Gala" will include live music from our vocal and instrumental music programs, food made and served by our FFA and Culinary classes, and a silent auction featuring items provided by our community partners and by GRC.
There is a charge of $25 per person, with all money raised going back to our student groups. Childcare is available at $10/child.
Tickets can be purchased through the QR Code on the attached image or at the following link:
More information can be found on the GRC website or by calling the high school at 859-744-6111.
We hope to see you there!
Board of Education Regular Meeting Notice: February 22
The Clark County Board of Education will hold a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, February 22, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Central Office. A recorded version of the meeting will be available on the CCPS YouTube Channel at The meeting is open to the public.
Board of Education Special Meeting Notice: January 4
The Clark County Board of Education will hold a Special Meeting on Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. in the Central Office. A recorded version of the meeting will be available on the CCPS YouTube Channel at The meeting is open to the public.
To view the Agenda for this meeting, please click here.
To view the files associated with this meeting, please click here.
Board of Education Work Session: Tuesday, April 19
The Clark County Board of Education will hold a Work Session on Tuesday, April 19, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Central Office, 1600 West Lexington Avenue, Winchester, KY.
No action will be taken, and the Work Session will be conducted in a series of Roundtable Sessions throughout the building.
The meeting is open to the public.
CCPS Seeking Proposals for Primary Depository Services
The Clark County Board of Education is seeking proposals from financial institutions for primary depository services for the period of July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. A branch location must be in Winchester, KY.
If you are interested in preparing a proposal for banking services, you may stop by the Clark County Board of Education office located at 1600 West Lexington Avenue, Winchester, KY to pick up a proposal packet or request a packet via email.
Please contact Mrs. Aleisha Ellis, Director of Finance/Treasurer, at 859-744-4545, ext. 1060 or for more information or questions. The Clark County Board of Education will accept proposals through Tuesday, February 15, 2022, no later than 10:00 A.M. EST.
'Future Bulldog Night' at Baker Intermediate on May 19

Attention all current 4th grade families! On Thursday, May 19, 2022, Baker Intermediate will host "Future Bulldog Night" from 5:00 to 7:00 PM for all current 4th grade students and families. This special event provides students and parents an informal chance to meet teachers and staff, tour the school, and receive information about all the opportunities BIS offers students.
There will be food, music, games, and inflatables on the lawn of the school and an "Opportunities Fair" in the gym. We hope to see all current 4th grade students and parents there so we can meet our Future Bulldogs!
Board of Education Regular and Draft Budget Meeting Notice: January 25
The Clark County Board of Education will hold a Regular and Draft Budget Meeting on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Central Office. A recorded version of the meeting will be available on the CCPS YouTube Channel at
The meeting is open to the public.
Community Event for Clark County Families and Students

At Clark County Public Schools, we are dedicated to inspiring, protecting and educating our Clark County families and students. Please join us for a community wide event filled with information on current issues that impact us all. The event is on December 9th from 5:00-8:00 PM and will take place at Central Baptist Church, located at 101 W. Lexington Ave. in Winchester.
CCPS Fiber Request for Proposals Open Until 3:00PM on December 17, 2021

Clark County Public Schools (CCPS) is taking Request for Proposals from qualified vendors to provide a WAN solution for fiber installations/service between locations. The starting date of service is July 1, 2022. The Request for Proposal for this solution is located on the district’s website, under the “District Links” menu. Or, interested bidders may click on this direct link:
All questions should be submitted via email to with the subject line of "Clark County WAN Upgrade". All proposals must be received by December 17, 2021, at 1:00 PM Eastern Time, and should be submitted using one of the following methods:
1) PDF sent via email to CCPS suggests that “Clark County WAN Upgrade Proposal” be written in the subject line;
2) in writing by sealed envelope with the words “Clark County WAN Upgrade Proposal” clearly marked on the outside of the envelope. It should be sent to the attention of: Justin Cason, Chief Information Officer, Clark County Board of Education, 1600 W. Lexington Ave, Winchester KY, 40391.
Bids not submitted in the prescribed format may be rejected at the sole discretion of the school district. Proposals discussed verbally or sent via FAX will not be considered.
CCPS may seek USF funding for this service so all proposals for managed service must have a Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) on file with the Universal Service Administrative Company. This service must be eligible for Category 1 E-rate reimbursement.
UPS Upgrade Project
Clark County Public Schools (CCPS) is accepting Request for Proposals from qualified vendors to provide a UPS upgrade solution for schools in our district. Potential bidders can find the RFP and USAC Form 470 in the EPC portal, as this service must be eligible for Category 2 E-rate reimbursement, and bidders should have a Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) on file with USAC.
Board of Education Special Meeting Notice: February 8
The Clark County Board of Education Special Meeting will be on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held via Google Meet online videoconference. Central Office will be open for the public to attend, located at 1600 West Lexington Ave. in Winchester. A recorded version of the meeting will be available soon after the meeting concludes and can be accessed on the same webpage.
School Nutrition Association Shares Video About Supply Chain Issues
Shortages and supply chain issues have brought great challenges at all points of the food supply chain -- from raw materials and manufacturing to packaging and transporting. In addition to food, this shortage affects the paper products used to serve meals, and even the trays that are a mainstay in every cafeteria, among other items.
At the same time, many schools are affected by staffing issues, with workers retiring or leaving the profession. Yet, despite these challenges, school nutrition teams are working tirelessly behind the scenes to secure the necessary items needed to provide students with a healthy and balanced meal.
The School Nutrition Association has created a video that shares with parents what they need to know about supply chain issues and their current impact on school meals. Click here to view this video.
Learn more at:
Updated Summer Book Bus Times and Locations

There have been a few updates to our Summer Book Bus schedule. Please view the attached image to see the latest information.
Picture Albums from GRC's Band and Winter Guard
GRC High School's band and Winter Guard have had a great year! Below are links to the photo albums from their competitions and events. We encourage everyone in the community to take a look!
(images provided courtesy of Sean Roddy)
GRC Senior Night and Show
GRC Guard
GRC Pep Band and Rupp
GRC at Beechwood
GRC at Larue Co.
GRC Semis and Finals
GRC Costume Parent Performance
All District Band - 7th District
GRC hosting Tri-State Guard & Percussion
GRC WG at Lafayette - TriState
GRC at WKU Honor Band
GRC at All-State Honor Band
GRC WG at Ryle - Tri-state
GRC WG Championship